How Can I Be Sure I’m In Keeping With WEEE legislation?

When using UK IT Recycling Ltd as your waste electrical recycler you dont have to worry about the WEEE directive, we will cover all aspects of your legal obligation and issue you with all the necessary paper work so everything runs smoothly in accordance with the europian waste laws.

We work with many Government agencies and blue chip companies who’s I.T. staff simply do not have the time to deal with all the paperwork and rules so we do the work for them.

The waste equipment is booked on by our engineer and once it arrives at our recycling center we start the data destruction process (unless we have already destroyed the data onsite).

We provide a full disposal and recycling service for you: basicaly all you have to do is call us and we will take care of all your legal requirements in both the disposal of your waste computer equipment and your obligations under the Data Destruction Act.

We are fully registered with the Environment Agency and have been vetted by some of the U.K’s largest companies, so you can rest assured that all your WEEE and data destruction obligations have been met by UK IT Recycling Ltd.

UK IT Recycling Ltd are a UK based recycling and data destruction company and not a shady exporter posing as a recycling company. We will never send waste electrical equipment to developing countries where it can not be properly monitored.

Don’t be fooled by some charities in the UK whos opperations are perfectly legal in the UK but once your equipment is safley outside of the EU it is then sold to the highest bidder for cash.
